Author Archive | Chris Donovan

Liquor promotion guidelines

Thank you members who attended today’s meeting, and to Anne Rogers for her overview of Lifeline Macarthur’s Keep Safe message and coasters campaign. A reminder also to all members to read through the revised Liquor Promotion Guidelines released by Liquor & Gaming NSW last month to ensure promotions are compliant. The guidelines can be found here. We […]

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SWS Tourism Taskforce Invitation to Accord Members

Harry Hunt, president of the Liverpool City Liquor Accord and the South West Sydney Tourism Taskforce invites Accord members to attend the Tourism Taskforce Member Meeting Lunch on March 1st 2019. The keynote speaker will be Western Sydney Airport CEO Graham Millet who will provide an update on the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. For details please […]

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NSW Health Accord Presentation

After her very informative presentation at our last Accord meeting, Angela Daly from South Western Sydney Local Health District Public Health Unit has provided a document detailing the key points she covered in the meeting. Accord members are invited to download the presentation document below or via the resources page. The LCLA Executive Committee wishes […]

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Overdue date for Licence fees

Liquor licence fees were due for payment on 29th May and are currently overdue for any venues yet to pay. Failure to pay by 26th June 2015 will result in automatic licence suspension and a $100 fine. It is illegal to sell or supply liquor under a suspended licence. More information is available on the […]

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OLGR to introduce new evaluation tool

The Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing has announced that following a successful trial in Sydney and Newcastle, a new Environment and Venue Assessment Tool will be introduced state-wide to assist in assessing new liquor licence applications. The full press release can be found at the OLGR website.

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Upcoming General Meeting

Our next quarterly meeting will be held next Tuesday 26th August at 11am. As usual, the venue will be the Liverpool Catholic Club, cnr Hoxton Park and Joadja Roads, Prestons 2170. In addition to the Liverpool and Green Valley LAC Police reports, there will also be a presentation on venue security by Brian from DNA Security Solutions. […]

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CBD restrictions now in effect

Increased restrictions for licensed venues in the Sydney CBD Entertainment Precinct announced by OLGR in May this year came into effect yesterday. Measures include a range of additional restrictions on the operation of licensed venues as well as stronger policing and enforcement. Transport initiatives have also commenced including a rollout of pre-paid taxis and taxi marshals […]

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New restrictions for CBD licensed venues

The NSW Government last week announced the Sydney Plan of Management, detailing new measures to be implemented in the Sydney CBD Entertainment Precinct. Troy Grant, Minister for Hospitality, Gaming and Racing, said “the Plan of Management was designed by NSW Government agencies in collaboration with the City of Sydney and aims to reduce alcohol harm in and around […]

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Upcoming General Meeting

The LCLA General Meeting for this month will be held on Tuesday 27th May at 11am. As usual, the meeting venue will be: Liverpool Catholic Club 424-458 Hoxton Park Road (cnr Joadja Rd) Liverpool West, NSW 2170 A light lunch will be provided after the meeting. Please register your attendance at the meeting. We are […]

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New Accord website

A new Liverpool City Liquor Accord website has been created to improve communication between members, the community and the Executive Committee. We hope the new website improves your experience and is a useful resource for Accord members. Please feel free to leave any comments or feedback via the Contact Us page.

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